Amos-Silvio Erik Friedrich, BSc MSc

Predoctoral University Assistant


Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Wächtergasse 1/ Top 504, room D11

1010 Wien

 Research Interests

  • Developmental risk and protective factors within families
  • Transactional processes in families focusing on parent-child relations
  • Psychiatric post-discharge trajectories

 Curriculum vitae

since July 2022 Predoctoral university assistant, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, University of Vienna
2019-2022 Research assistant, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, University of Vienna
2021-2022 Internship at the LEoN Center for Learning, Development, and Neuropsychology in Vienna
2019-2020 Master of Science, Psychology, specialized in Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Vienna
2016-2019 Bachelor of Science, Psychology, University of Vienna


Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 7
Friedrich A-SE, Zemp M. „From bench to bedside“ – Herausforderungen in der Implementierung von Interventionen und Standards. In Weiler-Wichtl LJ, Pal-Handl K, Fuiko R, editors, Pädiatrische Psychologie . Springer. 2023

Freischlager LK, Siegel M, Friedrich A-SE, Zemp M. Longitudinal psychological family studies in Austria: A scoping review. Journal of Family Issues. 2023;44(9):2355-2378. Epub 2022 May 24. doi:, 10.1177/0192513X221092026

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 7