Prof. Dr. Martina Zemp

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Tel.: 01-4277-47283 


Department of Clinical and Health Psychology

Wächtergasse 1/Top 504, room D14

1010 Wien


 Research Interests

  • Treatment research of family-oriented prevention programs
  • New media, family interactions, and child disorders
  • Family risk and protective factors for child development
  • Family conflicts and their implications for mental disorders in childhood and adolescence (in particular attention deficit disorders, ADHD)

  Curriculum Vitae

2005-2010 Studies of Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, and Educational Science at the University of Zurich
2013 Research stay, E.M. Cummings, Full Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, Indiana (US)
2013-2018 Further education in Systemic Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Institute of Applied Psychology, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences (‘Eidgenössischer Weiterbildungstitel Psychotherapie’; Swiss state recognised post-graduate title in psychotherapy)
2014 Doctorate in Psychology at the University of Zurich
2014-2016 Senior assistant to the chair of Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families (Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann) at the University of Zurich
2015 Research stay, E.M. Cummings, Full Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, Indiana (US)
2015 Research stay, P.T. Davies, Full Professor of Psychology, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences, University of Rochester, New York (US)
2016-2019 Junior professorship of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy at the University of Mannheim
since 2018 Spokesperson of the ‘Interessensgruppe Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie’ (IG KJPT; clinical child and adolescent psychology interest group) of the DGPs (German Psychological Society)
since February 2019 Professorship of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Vienna since March 2019 Member of the academic advisory body of the Outpatient Unit for Research, Teaching and Practice, University of Vienna
since March 2019 Member of the academic advisory body of the Outpatient Unit for Research, Teaching and Practice, University of Vienna
2020-2022 Deputy head of Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna



Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 116
Randall, A. K., Liekmeier, E., Totenhagen, C., Lannutti, P. J., Gabriel, L., Siegel, M., Ditzen, B., Baiocco, R., Chiarolanza, C., Meuwly, N., Zemp, M., Fischer, M., van Stein, K. R., Baldi, M., Isolani, S., Masturzi, A., Pistella, J., Gandhi, Y., Rosta-Filep, O., ... Bodenmann, G. (2024). German and Italian Validation of the Dyadic Coping Inventory–Sexual Minority Stress (DCI-SMS) Scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 38(4), 627-642.

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 116


Showing entries 46 - 58 out of 58

I blame you, I hear you: Dyad-level pronoun use patterns and situational relationship functioning across conflict and support interactions

Tabea Meier , Anne Milek , Matthias R. Mehl , Fridtjof Nussbeck , Mona Neysari , Guy Bodenmann , Mike Martin , Martina Zemp , Andrea B. Horn
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Conference, Poster presentation
9.2.2021 - 13.2.2021

Familiäre Resilienz: Was die Kinderwelt zusammenhält

Martina Zemp
Abendkolloquium der Fachsektionen Klinische Psychologie und Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienpsychologie des Berufsverbands Österreichischer Psychologinnen und Psychologen (BÖP)
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
23.9.2020 - 23.9.2020

Spielzeit = Qualitätszeit – Warum die Familie ein Ort zum Spielen ist

Martina Zemp
2. Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Klinische Psychologie des Kindes- und Jugendalters (ÖGKP-KJ)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.12.2019 - 2.12.2019

A German Adaptation of the First Screening Tool for Developmental Coordination Disorder in Adults

Carla Beitz , Emily Meachon , Martina Zemp , Georg Alpers
1st EACLIPT conference
Conference, Poster presentation
31.10.2019 - 2.11.2019

A German Adaptation of the First Screening Tool for Developmental Coordination Disorder in Adults

Carla Beitz , Emily Meachon , Martina Zemp , Georg Alpers
1st EACLIPT conference
Conference, Poster presentation
31.10.2019 - 2.11.2019

Interrelations between the couple relationship of parents and child wellbeing

Martina Zemp
Intimate Relationship Research in Europe
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2019 - 28.8.2019

Differentiation of motor and attentional deficits of Developmental Coordination Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: an EEG study

Emily Meachon , Martina Zemp
13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder
Conference, Poster presentation
5.6.2019 - 8.6.2019

Dyadisches Coping als Ressource im Übergang zur Elternschaft

M. Senn , Martina Zemp , Guy Bodenmann
Forschungsreferat am 11. Workshopkongress der DGPs Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
29.5.2019 - 1.6.2019

Eine längsschnittliche Analyse intrafamiliärer Prozesse: Zusammenhänge zwischen Partnerschaftskonflikten, Coparenting und kindlichen Störungen innerhalb Familien

Martina Zemp , Matthew Johnson , Guy Bodenmann
Forschungsreferat am 11. Workshopkongress der DGPs Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
29.5.2019 - 1.6.2019

Neue Methoden in der Erforschung von familiären Risikofaktoren für kindliche Störungen - 11. Workshopkongress der DGPs Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs

Martina Zemp , A.-L. Zietlow
Neue Methoden in der Erforschung von familiären Risikofaktoren für kindliche Störungen - 11. Workshopkongress der DGPs Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs
Conference, Organisation of ...
29.5.2019 - 1.6.2019

Within-Family Processes: Interparental and Coparenting Conflict and Child Adjustment

Martina Zemp , Matthew Johnson , Guy Bodenmann
Oral presentation at the 6th International pairfam User Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.5.2019 - 17.5.2019

Die Bedeutung der Bindung für die kindliche Resilienz

Martina Zemp
Fortbildungsreihe der MEDIAN Klinik Berus
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.5.2019 - 7.5.2019

Partnerschaftsstörungen und kindliches Befinden – Warum es einem nur so gut geht wie den anderen in der Familie

Martina Zemp
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
12.2.2019 - 12.2.2019

Showing entries 46 - 58 out of 58